“Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church” – Book of Common Prayer, p. 298
Baptism is a spiritual commitment on behalf of the parents and the congregation of Christ Church, before God, to care for and raise a child as a Christian.
Baptisms are only performed at certain services throughout the year. All Baptisms are celebrated within the context of our weekend Holy Eucharist services. Baptisms are especially appropriate during Easertide, Pentecost, All Saint's Sunday, and the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the 1st Sunday after Epiphany).
If you wish to have your child baptized at Christ Church, the first step is to contact the clergy by clicking the link below and filling out the Baptism Request Form. After we receive the form, someone from our office will be in contact with you.
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