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Parish Ministries



Being active in a church is more than just showing up on Sunday mornings.

We have many opportunities for service and community engagement.

“Faith without works is dead.”

​Altar Guild

The duties of the Altar Guild are to prepare everything necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and other Sacraments of the Church, so that they may be conducted in decency, order, and beauty. Duties include setting up for all services of the Holy Eucharist, maintaining the Altar and sacristy, and caring for all Altar linens, vestments, vessels, and other supplies necessary for the service.

At Christmas and Easter, the entire Guild gathers to prepare and decorate the Church. We have "teams" of workers of three parishioners who are on duty every five weeks. The team prepares the Church for all services. If interested, please get in touch with the office at 401-596-0197.​

Architecture and Property 

The Architecture and Property Committee is a Standing Committee of the church and is responsible for the overall maintenance of church properties including the Church, Parish Hall, and grounds. The duties of the committee, as assigned by the Vestry, include but are not limited to:

  • Conduct studies and recommend to the Vestry the approval or disapproval of proposed interior and exterior changes, permanent decorations, furnishing and memorial, and;

  • As necessary, consult with the Architectural Commission of the Diocese or other qualified authorities as it may deem proper, and;

  • Periodically examine all tangible property of the Church and call to the attention of the Vestry the need for repairs and/or modifications, and;

  • Report annually to the Vestry the conditions of Church property, with recommendations, if any.

If interested, don't hesitate to get in touch with the office at 401-596-0197.​

Christ Church Acolytes

Our modern word "acolyte" comes from the Greek "acolytos" meaning "attendant" or "helper". Tradition places the roots of this ministry in the Old Testament, where Samuel served Eli the priest (1 Samuel) and Elijah the prophet was served by Elisha (1 Kings). Acolytes can therefore claim to be continuing one of the oldest traditions of the Church.​

At Christ Church, acolytes range in age from 8 to adults and act as processional torchbearers, crucifers, and altar servers, and assist the clergy at all Eucharistic services as well as weddings and funerals. It is one of the few ministries available to our young people for active service in our worship life.

Christ Church Choir

The Choir at Christ Church plays an important role in the worship and liturgy of our church community. To learn more about the choir and our music program, please contact the office at 401-596-0197.

​Christmas Bazaar

Our Bazaar is held on the first Saturday of Advent. Members of the entire Church community work together to produce a very festive affair. October and November Cornerstones contains further information. It is our major fundraiser for the year and volunteers are always welcome to participate.

​Christ Church Crafters work on projects weekly throughout the year.  Contact the office at 401-596-0197 to be a part of a terrific holiday tradition at Christ Church.



The Finance Committee is a Standing Committee of the church and is responsible for the following:

Christ Church has recently announced the introduction of a new option for financial contributions. People will now be able to contribute electronically through their bank account or by a credit or debit card. This new process is convenient and provides needed consistency for the church. This change also responds to the way people are paying bills today instead of writing checks.

To assist in this process the church has contracted with Vanco Services, a recognized leader used by over 15,000 churches and non-profit organizations.

To start giving electronically, click here.

​Gardens and Grounds Group

This group is an informal collection of people who care about the appearance of the church's property and have some combination of time, energy, expertise, and occasionally muscle to do something about it.

Join us, all are welcome! Contact the office for more information.


The Hospitality Committee provides coffee, tea, and "goodies" every Sunday morning from 11:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. They host Lemonade and cookies under the "lemonade tree", on the lawn during the summer months. The Committee hosts receptions after the Lessons & Carols services during Advent and Christmas.  Consider them the "go-to people" for questions etc., concerning the kitchen.

If you are interested in joining, ask anyone! Or call the office at 401-596-0197.


The Investment Committee oversees the parish's several portfolios meeting periodically with our investment advisor. Several accounts, other than those managed by our advisor, generally invested in short-term instruments, also come under the Committee's purview.​

Lectors/Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lectors are members of the congregation who read the lessons and the psalm at the Eucharist on Sunday mornings. Lay Eucharistic Ministers are the men and women who read the prayers of the people and most importantly administer the chalice during Communion. Training is needed for this ministry and is provided within the parish.

​Memorial Garden 

The Memorial Garden of Christ Church is a place for the interment of ashes of loved ones as well as a place for quiet contemplation or meditation. The garden is maintained by a committee of dedicated parishioners who plan, plant, and care for the plants and structures of the garden. Memorial pavers, which comprise a pathway through the garden, are available for purchase and help fund the costs for the upkeep of the garden. We welcome new members to the committee who have an interest and desire to help maintain this lovely garden. Please contact the church office if you have any questions regarding the garden committee.

Pastoral Care Commission

The Pastoral Care Commission gives support, understanding, encouragement, and companionship to our parishioners through a variety of ministries. Pastoral Care is essential to our life as a Christian community. Pastoral Care offers a Grief Group at Christ Church once a month as well.  Please contact the Parish Office if you or anyone in your family could benefit from any one or all of these ministries. We are here to serve.

Public Relations / Social Media

The mission of the Public Relations/ Social Media Committee is to inform and educate the local community about the vitality of Christ Church which can be experienced through its worship, music, study, outreach, and play. In support of this mission, the PR committee assists Christ Church commissions and organizations seeking help in promoting their ministries, events, and activities.

The assistance can take the form of poster & ad creation, placement of event announcements on local media event calendars, development and distribution of press releases, and placement of event information on the large temporary swinging sign positioned in front of the church. For more information, visit our Facebook or Instagram page, and don't forget to follow us!

Stained Glass & Milner Memorial Chimes

The Stained Glass Committee at Christ Church has a vital mission: preserving and restoring its collection of magnificent stained glass windows. These windows, spanning from the 1890s to 2008, showcase the various artistic styles of different craftsmen. 
Starting in 2008, a significant restoration initiative was launched to ensure these cherished windows continue to shine in their full splendor. The ongoing care and restoration efforts are made possible through the generosity of donations, memorial gifts, and fundraisers.
By maintaining these windows, the committee not only honors the artistic heritage of Christ Church but also ensures that future generations can appreciate the beauty and significance of stained glass artistry in the context of their faith and history.

Since the turn of the 20th century, our parish, and indeed the entire town of Westerly, has been blessed with the sound of the bells of Christ Church.  The ten-bell chime, cast by the Meneely Bell Company of Troy, New York,  is played by volunteers from the parish.  The bells are a memorial to John and Charlotte Milner.  They can be heard after Sunday services, at weddings, funerals, and since 1981, during the finale of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture at the annual Chorus of Westerly's Summer Pops concert in Wilcox Park.


The Stewardship Committee is responsible for educating our parishioners about what Christian stewardship is:

The Stewardship Committee also plans, along with the rector, the annual campaign (usually held in the fall) and the acknowledgment of personal commitments of time, talent, and treasure.

Ushers & Greeters

As the first representative of Christ Church who the worshipper is likely to meet,  the usher's/greeter's role is crucial. They are the parish "hosts", welcoming friends and newcomers, ensuring everyone feels "at home."

​Ushers are assigned on a rotating schedule, serving one service a month and filling in at additional special services as needed.

If you are interested in participating in this meaningful ministry, please contact our office at 401-596-0197.

Welcome & Newcomers

Our mission is to provide a welcoming environment for newcomers and promote a warm and friendly atmosphere in our church community. We greet newcomers at our church services and someone from our committee calls or visits to answer any questions. Welcome events are planned periodically just so that new members may meet each other and some of our "old" parishioners may get to know each other and feel a part of this wonderful community.  We also plan parish events to create esprit de corps among all parishioners.

​​​Outreach programs

Arts Commission

The mission of The Arts Commission of Christ Church is to offer to the greater community, without charge, high-quality concerts, lectures, and other artistic and cultural events, sharing our celebration of excellence and beauty of the Arts.

The Arts Commission, founded at Christ Church in 1990, presents free concerts and lectures that are open to the public. It is a part of the church's outreach, and our programs draw many people from the greater community as well as parishioners.

​Most of our concerts feature our C.B. Fisk organ, which was installed in 1965 and is certainly one of the Parish's great treasures.

Our programs are funded by individual donations and by the Endowment for Choir and Music Series at Christ Church (in memoriam Helen Dick, Louis Arnold, Ghislaine Mailloux, the Rev. Gene Rose, and Lucy Graichen) and endowments in memory of The Very Rev. Dr. James E. Annand, Anne H. Utter, and Laura Kent Hynes.

Creation Care 

The mission of the Creation Care Commission is to raise awareness of how our decisions and actions are impacting God’s creation.  From the BCP, p. 827:  “Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation:  Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.”

This prayer encapsulates well our desire to be Creation Care Ambassadors.  Members of this Commission will meet regularly, to study, and find ways to help and encourage others to save energy, recycle, support regenerative farming, reduce waste, and generally attempt to tread lightly on God’s green earth.  We will pursue these five goals:
       *  inform parishioners of creation care actions in the local community
       *  suggest educational opportunities on climate change 
      *  coordinate with the RI Diocesan Creation Care group
      *  encourage sustainable practices at both parish and community levels 
      *  engage in local, state, and federal advocacy for systemic change   
 If interested in joining this ministry, please contact the church at 401-596-0197 or

The Giving / Star Tree

The Giving / Star Tree is a project that works with the Department of Children Youth & Families and the Johnnycake Center to help bring Christmas to children and families in need.  

Navajoland Mission

For the past 15 years, parishioners from Christ Church have participated in mission work at Saint Mary's-in-the-Moonlight Church near Monument Valley, Utah — in the northern part of the Navajo reservation.​

Each summer, several adults and/or teens from Christ Church, sometimes accompanied by members of other churches, spend one or two weeks offering a Vacation Bible School for the Navajo children, hosting community dinners and retreats for our Navajo neighbors, and working on construction and repair projects at the St. Mary's community.

Pastoral Care 

The Pastoral Care Commission assists clergy in visiting those in need of unique spiritual care during illness, difficult times, and visiting shut-ins. Take a look into what the Pastoral Care Commission offers to our community. Visit Our YouTube Channel by Clicking Here

Thanksgiving Community Dinner

Each year Christ Church puts on a free Thanksgiving dinner which is open to all in the community looking for fellowship during the holidays. This is a terrific opportunity for the larger community to gather in gratitude over a shared meal.  Many hands are needed to present this timeless tradition; to get involved, contact the office.

​​WARM Dinners

The WARM (Westerly Area Rest Meals) Center provides a continuum of care and services to the homeless and the needy in our community. One of their many services is to provide daily noontime and evening meals for individuals, families, and children.

Christ Church volunteers provide the evening meal on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Volunteers to cook, serve, and donate food for the meal are always needed. For further information, please contact the office. Volunteers consistently report they receive much more than they give.
